A list of all cruises with links to vector and contour plots of the velocity data are provided below. Selecting "examine data" will access an image map of the cruise track. Vector and contour plots have been made for selected sections of the cruise track, normally the southbound and northbound Drake Passage crossings, with other tracks dependent on the particular cruise.
Long-Term Ecological Research on the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem: An Ice-Dominated Environment (LTER) Jan - Jan, 2002
Southern Ocean Global Ocean Ecosystems Dynamics (SO GLOBEC): Circulation and Water Property Evolution SO GLOBEC: Mysticete Whale Acoustic Census in the GLOBEC West Antarctic Project Area International Whaling Consortium Feb - Mar, 2002
Mooring Recovery Mar - Mar, 2002
Palmer Shuttle Mar - Apr, 2002
SO GLOBEC: Foraging Ecology of Crabeater Seals SO GLOBEC: Seabird Ecology Using Observations and Diet Samples SO GLOBEC: Krill Distribution, Physiology, and Predations; Copepod Prey Abundance SO GLOBEC: Krill Age and Dietary History SO GLOBEC: Mysticete Whale Acoustic Census in the GLOBEC West Antarctic Project Area SO GLOBEC: Krill Physiology and Fish Ecology Apr - May, 2002
Palmer Station Shuttle, Hazardous Waste on-load and refueling of Palmer Station Jul - Jul, 2002
SO GLOBEC: Foraging Ecology of Crabeater Seals SO GLOBEC: Seabird Ecology Using Observations and Diet Samples SO GLOBEC: Winter Distribution and Activities of Sea-Ice Microbial Communities in the Western Antarctic Peninsula SO GLOBEC: Optical Environment of the Western Antarctic Peninsula SO GLOBEC: Winger Ecology of Larval Krill: Quantifying Their Interaction with the Pack Ice Habitat Jul - Sep, 2002
Palmer Station Shuttle #1 Sep - Oct, 2002
Palmer Station Shuttle #2 Foraging Behavior and Demography of Pygoscelis Penguins ( COPA Field Camp ) Oct - Oct, 2002
Cape Sherriff Field Camp Put-in/Opening Automated Weather Station servicing at Racer Rocks and Hugo Island COPA Field Camp pickup Nov - Nov, 2002
The Scotia Arc GPS Project: Focus on the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands AMS radio carbon chronology of glacier fluctuations in the Sough Shetland Islands during the last glacial/interglacial hemicycle: Implication for the role of Antarctica in global climate change (Hall field camp put-in on Livingston Island) Nov - Dec, 2002
These data were processed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography
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