Cruise Name: _________________ Checked and edited 9908xxxx.cnf?(Y/N)_______Shipboard ADCP Checkout Once the ADCP computer is configured, start data collection at the dock and complete the following from the DAS screen:
Edited state.dat?(Y/N)_______ position.dat ok?(Y/N)_______
Computer Date:____________________Computer Time:________________ GMT?(Y/N)__________
Local Date:_______________________ Local Time:___________________
What is typical dt = GPS time - computer time? ________________ ( in gray, dt: 1,0 for example )
Is the time correction being made by the navigation userexit?________
Gyro heading (in white ): ____________ Is Gyro heading updating? (Y/N): _______
Gyro heading on bridge: _______ Do Gyro and bridge heading match?(Y/N)______
Ash-gyro (in gray)____________ Is Ash-gyro updating ?(Y/N): ________
Latitude:___________________ Longitude:________________ Is position updating?(Y/N)_______
Disk file name:__________________ Space/Time remaining on disk:___________________
Estimated Cruise Duration:_______ Enough Time Remaining on Disk at 1Mb/day?(Y/N)__________
From Diagnostic (DG) menu:
Transducer Serial No.:_____ Profiler Software Version: _____ Short?(Y/N)____ Long?(Y/N)_____
From Direct Command (DC) menu:
**IMPORTANT** From the Data Processing (DP) menu:
Calculate sound speed velocities from Temp/Salinity?(Y/N)______
If planning to use autoadcp, test that it is correctly
setup by hitting any key - check that the watchdog does timeout, the computer
reboots, the DAS runs, and AutoPing on Startup occurs.
When the DAS starts, you should see it send the direct
commands. Timeout?(Y/N)_____Reboot?(Y/N)______DAS?(Y/N)______ Direct commands
sent?(Y/N)_______Autoping on startup?(Y/N)________
PLAYBACK: Playback your test file. Is navigation present in buffer?(Y/N)_____