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Laurence M. Gould Shipboard ADCP data

A list of all cruises with links to vector and contour plots of the velocity data are provided below. Selecting "examine data" will access an image map of the cruise track. Vector and contour plots have been made for selected sections of the cruise track, normally the southbound and northbound Drake Passage crossings, with other tracks dependent on the particular cruise.


The collection, processing and dissemination of these data was carried out by the Chereskin Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD with support from the National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs grant nos. OPP-9816226, ANT-0338103, ANT-0838750, and PLR-1341431. Eric Firing and Jules Hummon at the University of Hawaii provide critical support for the data acquisition and processing of these ADCP data through the development and maintenance of the UHDAS and CODAS software.

LMG cruises in 2004

Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0401
Long-Term Ecological Research on the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem: An Ice-Dominated Environment (LTER)
Jan - Feb, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0402
Plankton Community Structure and Iron Distribution in the Southern Drake Passage
Feb - Mar, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0403
SO GLOBEC: Mysticete Whale Acoustic Census in the GLOBEC West Antarctic Project Area
Palmer Station Shuttle
Mar - Apr, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0404
Collaborative research: Paleohistory of the Larson Ice Shelf: phase II
Consortium on the Ocean's Role in Climate (CORC)
AbRupt climate CHangE Studies (ARCHES)
Apr - May, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0405
Palmer Station Shuttle
May - May, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0406
Palmer Station Shuttle
May - Jun, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0407
Palmer Station Shuttle
Jun - Jun, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0411
Palmer Station Opening
Tracers of biological productivity and gas exchange
Sep - Oct, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0412
Foraging Behavior and Demography of Pygoscelis Penguins ( COPA Field Camp )
COPA Field Camp Opening
Oct - Oct, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0413a_nb150
Long-Term Data Collection at Select Antarctic Peninsula Visitor Sites
Cape Sherriff Field Camp Put-in/Opening
COPA stop on northbound transit
Nov - Nov, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0413a_os38bb
Long-Term Data Collection at Select Antarctic Peninsula Visitor Sites
Cape Sherriff Field Camp Put-in/Opening
COPA stop on northbound transit
Nov - Nov, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0413a_os38nb
Long-Term Data Collection at Select Antarctic Peninsula Visitor Sites
Cape Sherriff Field Camp Put-in/Opening
COPA stop on northbound transit
Nov - Nov, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0414_nb150
Relevance of planktonic larval dispersal to endemism and biogeography of Antarctic Benthic Invertebrates
Salpa thompsoni in the Southern Ocean: bioenergetics, populaton dynamics and biogeochemical impact
Nov - Dec, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0414_os38bb
Relevance of planktonic larval dispersal to endemism and biogeography of Antarctic Benthic Invertebrates
Salpa thompsoni in the Southern Ocean: bioenergetics, populaton dynamics and biogeochemical impact
Nov - Dec, 2004

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Thumbnail map showing labeled sections for which data are available LG0414_os38nb
Relevance of planktonic larval dispersal to endemism and biogeography of Antarctic Benthic Invertebrates
Salpa thompsoni in the Southern Ocean: bioenergetics, populaton dynamics and biogeochemical impact
Nov - Dec, 2004

examine data or download postscript of map or (back to top) or link to JASADCP

These data were processed at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

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