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section name dday range date range start, end lon start, end lat contour link vector link
Drake-South 326.06 to 328.81 2007/11/23 01:24:12 to 2007/11/25 19:24:53 start: 292.05; end: 301.52 start: -52.79; end: -62.30 contour vector
Drake-North 351.78 to 354.39 2007/12/18 18:38:33 to 2007/12/21 09:17:48 start: 302.66; end: 292.02 start: -62.74; end: -52.77 contour vector
A 343.85 to 352.02 2007/12/10 20:23:04 to 2007/12/19 00:23:34 start: 302.43; end: 302.44 start: -63.01; end: -61.72 contour vector
B 328.93 to 344.62 2007/11/25 22:25:45 to 2007/12/11 14:52:33 start: 300.71; end: 303.31 start: -62.52; end: -64.13 contour vector