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section name dday range date range start, end lon start, end lat contour link vector link
Drake-south 42.47 to 46.41 2005/02/12 11:20:28 to 2005/02/16 09:49:23 start: 292.89; end: 302.80 start: -53.30; end: -63.74 contour vector
Drake-north 66.22 to 69.66 2005/03/08 05:19:01 to 2005/03/11 15:50:42 start: 311.62; end: 292.06 start: -61.09; end: -52.74 contour vector
A 61.83 to 66.58 2005/03/03 19:48:56 to 2005/03/08 13:50:55 start: 309.03; end: 309.27 start: -62.71; end: -60.18 contour vector
B 45.59 to 61.75 2005/02/15 14:04:24 to 2005/03/03 18:03:34 start: 302.00; end: 308.42 start: -61.34; end: -62.85 contour vector