1.  Bring blank CALCOFI ADCP LOG sheets to leave on the ship. 
        Download from 
    2.  Bring ADCP checkout sheets.
        Download from

    3.  Bring green plastic file holder, in Teri's office,  which is labeled
        "New Horizon ADCP".  The following should be included in the holder:
             a.  New Horozon ADCP and SAIL documentation manual ( a brown binder).
             b.  Ashtech manual (a brown binder labeled "LMG Ashtech" ).
             c.  An empty zip disk to leave on the ship for the techs to download
                 the data onto when the cruise is over.
             d.  Bring ALL original programs on a zip disk.  You may want to compare
                 what is on the computer to what should be on the computer, especially
                 that the 9908(deep,shlw).cnf files are correct and have not been
                 changed.  You also want the spare files just in case something 
                 happened to the originals.  There are currently 3 zip disks in the
                 green holder,  one for data (not blank),  and two lab copies of the
                 ADCP software.

    4.  Find out who used the ship and ADCP last, and find out if there 
        were any problems or if any of the default files were changed and that
        need to be change back.

    5.  Find out if any of the antenna's have been moved.  How do you find
        this out?  Maybe ask Jim, the MARFAC electronics guy.

    6.  Find out how long the cruise is going to be.  About 1Mb per day of space
             is needed on the computer.


    NOTE ON ALL FILES:  always edit files on a dos machine because the 
    program is sensitive to spaces, tabs, etc...

    NOTE:  To get ADCP screen, hit "Control"  twice, then choose ADCP menu.

    NOTE:  If the zip drive cannot be found, type "guest",  which will find and
           load the zip drivers.  The drive then should be e:
           07-16-03  only loading "TRANSECT" stuff from autoexec.bat.  Did this
                     so there would be enough memory to call the ue4 commands,
                     of which the change of state was not working.

    Turn on the ADCP computer,  monitor, and ADCP toggle switch at the bottom of
    the rack.  Look to see if the four boxes about head height which are labeled 
    gyro, ashtech, pcode, and nmea are blinking red lights.  The gyro and ? are 
    sent through these splitter boxes to the ADCP computer, so if they are not 
    blinking red lights,  something is wrong and there will be missing data.  

    ??  The two other splitter boxes, labeled ashtech and trimble", are 
    currently not used by the ADCP computer.   

    Ashtech is fed from Port A of the ashtech deck box ( on the upper shelf to the left of the computer
    rack ) directly to the ADCP computer, and feeds the GGA navigation?.  Port B from the ashtech deck box 
    feeds the ashtech splitter.  

    ?? The splitter box labeled "trimble"  is for 
    differential GPS and is only used in emergencies.

    First, boot to MSDOS.  When in,  cd c:\autoadcp.  Check the files 9908deep.cnf
    and 9908shlw.cnf with the hard copy or the original file on the zip. They
    should be the same except for the "cruiseid" near the end of the file.
    Change the cruiseid in these two files to be the current cruise.  The
    cruise name is commented in the line below: 

                  CI,1,SPECIAL "nh0000xxxx" CRUISE ID GOES HERE

    where cruise names are assigned as:

            Cruise Name:  standard is xxyymmssss where
                    xx is ship name (dj = David Jordan, nh=New Horizon )
                    yy is year
                    mm is month
                    ssss is either "shlw" or "deep", depending upon the name of the cnf file.

    Copy 9908deep.cnf to start.cnf and edit the file state.dat to contain one line,
    This fools the ADCP computer into thinking we are comming in from deep 
    water, and will reboot to the 9908shlw.cnf file.  

    Check the position.dat file against an original file on the zip disk to
    make sure it matches our CALCOFI boundaries.  Make sure there exists a 
    start.cnf, state.dat, exit.cnf and a ue4.cnf file in the directory autoadcp.

    Then reboot to DAS-ADCP.
    As the computer is booting, note the start up screen while it is gathering 
    the first ensemble.

    On the console,  
         WHITE lettering means information is from the bridge.
         GRAY lettering means information is from ADCP programs.
         YELLOW means what:

         Computer Date/Time: record the date and time from the console.
              GMT?:  Is the computer time GMT?  If not, find out
              why.  It should be local time plus 7 or 8, depending if it
              is daylite savings or not.

         Local Date and Time:  write local date and time for reference.

         What is typical dt = GPS-computer time?: 
             At the bottom of the screen in gray, there is a "dt:1,0".  Take
             note of it and make sure it is changing while you are fiddling.
             This is the difference in seconds between the pcode/gps and the 
             computer.   If it does not change, try checking the date and time 
             of the adcp computer.  Normal number combinations are between 
             positive and negative 3.

             What are the two numbers?
         Is time correction being made by the navigation user exit?
             how can you tell?  I dont know what to check here.

         Gyro heading: 
             There are 4 rows on the right hand side in white that read
                       Pitch      (not used,  it is ok if numbers are incorrect )
                       Roll       (not used,  it is ok if numbers are incorrect )
             Make sure the "Heading:" changes/updates and that it is correct 
             with the way the ship is really heading.  If it does not settle 
             down after a while ( 10 minutes )  check the gyro (see "TO TURN ON  THE GYRO" ).
             Go to the bridge and check the gyro heading.  Is
             it the same as the heading on the DAS screen?  The gyro connection
             from the bridge to the computer, at one time, was connected
             backwards, such that when the the ship went "right", the gyro
             heading on the DAS screen went "left".  There are also two gyro's on the
             boat, and if the bridge is using a different one that the one we use
             (gyro 1),  it may not be noticed that ours is not working. 

         At the upper right in gray is displayed
                        Ash-gyro 0.0  n=0,  now:???? 

             where 0.0 is the mean ensemble difference between ashtech and 
                             gyro headings
                     n is the number of ensembles to date
                     now is the current ash-gyro
                          Because the ashtech and gyro "hits" do not always
                          occur at the same time,  "now" may not have
                          good numbers when the system is first turned on.
              n will increase after first rebooting, and will level off around 
             288, or about the numbers of pings per sample interval ( we use 300 seconds as
             a default for CALCOFI). Make sure the n is NOT 0 (zero), is is around 288.
             Sometimes now:???? displays now:----, which means that the value 
             of n is low OR that the now did not get a good hit, OR ashtech 
             isnt working.  As n increases, the ---- should show up less 
             frequently.  When n is high, it means that there are lots of 
             updates of ashtech data.  

        Lattude/Longitude:  record the lat and lon from the console. Check
             to make sure that these numbers are changing, however slightly,
             while sitting at the dock. 

        Disk file name:  write the disk file name at the top left hand
             corner of the console.  It normally should be D:\ 
             This is were the files are logged.

        Time Remaining on disk:  
             A line at the top of the ADCP screen plot tells how much space/time
             is remaining on the disk.  Record the numbers.  Estimate the
             duration of this cruise.  Typically,  the ADCP uses 1Mb/day of
             space.  Is there enough space remaining on the disk at this
             collection rate?

    If everything so far checks out alright,  then hit any key, which
    will take you to a menu.  Selecting "Abort Data Collection" ( it "a" and
    then return ) will
    take you to a menu where we can check a couple more things.

        Diagnostic ( DG ) Menu:   Select "DG".  Record the Transducer
           Serial Number and  Profiler Software Version on the Checkout
           Sheet.  Run both the Short and Long test by selecting "2" and
           "3".  Running these programs will rerun continuously untill interupted
           by a key-stroke.  The tests are ok of the message "No self test errors" is
           dislplayed.  If both run ok,  write
           "Y" after each test on the checkout sheet.  Return to the above

        Direct Comand ( DC ) Menu:  Select "DC".  This shows computer
           commands that are configured to run during ADCP data collection.
           Write on the checksheet all numbers.  Return to the above menu.

        Data Processing ( DP ) Menu:  Select "DP".  Record Y or N on the
           checkout sheet,  depending upon if Y or N is after the line on the

               Calculate sound speed velocities from Temp/Salinity

           This is VERY important because it is never recorded to a log file. If
           this is not recorded correctly on the log sheet,  data processing
           after the cruise becomes difficult.

           "G: SE" ( in gray, center-right-hand margin )  means that it 
           found "S"tart and "E"nd fixes for the ensemble. The first time 
           through, it should only read "G: S" because it has not come to 
           the end of the first ensemble yet.  Make sure this changes 
           to "G: SE" as time goes on.  NOTE:  If there is already a pingdata 
           file, it might pick up both SE from the start.


    1.  In ue4.cnf,  com1 is Pcode at 4800 baud  
                     com2 is Ashtech at 9600 baud

        Compare the printout ue4.cnf or the file on the zip disk you brought
        with the file ue4.cnf in the directory autoadcp

    2.  cd to pcplus, type pcplus to see navigation logging, and make
        sure you see a "GGA" line.  If not,  see "TO RESET PCODE"

    3.  compare "9808deep.cnf" and "9808shlw.cnf" with the originals you
        brought on the zip disk or compare them with the printout.  The
        only difference should be the cruise id at the end of the each file. 


    1.  Tell someone who is going on the cruise (Fernando, David, Jim, Amy )
        to reboot the computer the day the cruise starts.

    2.  Tell someone where the log files are and where you left the blank zip 
        disk to download the data when the cruise is over. 

    3.  Show someone who is going on the cruise how to reset the Ashtech

    4.  Make sure the ADCP is running correctly, the gyro is working, the
        ADCP heading is working,  the checkout is complete.  

    5.  remove all unwanted files in d:\ or move them into a 

    We want a copy of the data and all configuration files so we know what
    was used on the cruise.

    In d:\  is where the pingdata files are stored. Check the dates of the
    pingdata files to see if they cover the cruise.  Copy the pingdata files
    to the zip drive.
               >D:\ mount /mnt/zip   # to mount the zip drive (e:)
               >D:\ mkdir E:\NH0101  # ( for example )
               >D:\ COPY PINGDATA.* E:\NH0101  #  ( for example )

    In c:\autoadcp,  copy the following files to the zip drive, same directory ad
    the data
               daslog.log  ( in d:\ )
               boot.log    ( in d:\ )

    The mate has to reset the p-code gathering program on a shipboard computer,
    like the computer on mapcase on the bow-port corner of the chartroom.  It is
    important that the box labeled "pcode" in the chartroom above the bow-starboard
    side of the mapcase is "on".

    10-22-01 the spare gyro was removed from the ship.  On the bridge,
    about center on the floor as you stand facing the bow at the helm,
    there is a nob that points to "gyro 1" on the left, "off" up, and "on"
    to the right.  The pointer of this nob must point starboard to "on"
    In the cupboards to the left of the nob is a "switch box".  Make sure
    that the switches are on, especially #8 which is for the lab.

    The gyro "compass" sits on the floor in the chartroom, just inside the door.
    The mate needs to turn this on to really make the gyro operational.

    If needed, gyro data can be retrieved from the STEPPER 
    (02 deck computer room, box above sink ).  However,  the
    values out of the stepper have two problems:  (1) all values are
    relative to the value when started. that is, if the gyro value is 100
    when it is turned on,  all values are relative to 100.  ie 1 is really 101,
    100 is really 200....  (2)  the values are digitized, so gyro readings are not
    smooth and they are not as accurate.


    07-01-02  The ashtech "box" was taken from the SPROUL and installed on the
    NEW HORIZON because the ashtech box was not reliable.  Power cycle the Ashtech 
    if and only if n=0 persists on the Ashtech line (and the ensemble number 
    is greater than 2). It will take 10-15 mins for the Ashtech to reacquire 
    satellites and get good data.

    On the port side of the adcp/met computer rack, sittting on the upper shelf,
    are two black boxes.  The Thales navigation box labeled "Ashtech ADU2" has
    a reset button that can be pushed in with a pencil.  Pushing this
    reset button is a soft-reset.  On the other Astron RS-7A box, labeled
    "Ashtech Power Supply" there is a red toggle switch:  Toggling this is a hard-reset.

    PortA from the "Ashtech" box goes to the "Ashtech" splitter box, which 
    then feeds the ashtech and met computers. PortB records the navigation GGA
    to somewhere?
    ( Note:  PORTB is generally more stable as the factory default ).  
    Connecting a PC to either port using a null modum ( uses
    full hand shaking ) allows talking directly to the Ashtech with a PC. 
    Are there directions on how to do this? )

    If the Ashtech ADU2 box is working correctly, the lights flash green a bunch of times,
    then red,  repeating this.  And the red light under "Thales navigation" blinks red.
    HOWEVER, the blinking red and green lights DO NOT indicate when n=0 and that
    the box needs resetting.  

    To see if ASHTECH is collecting good numbers, start c:\procom\pcplus and look at com2 (9600 baud).
    ATT keys will scroll on the screen.  If n=0,  the numbers in the middle will be zero or they
    will not be updating.  Also,  if the ashtech is not operating properly,  the last column will display
    "1*xx", where xx is a hex number.  The 1 before the * indicates the ashtech box needs a soft
    reset.  Push the button on the Ashtech ADU2 box, and wait a couple minutes:  good numbers
    should start printing to the screen,  and the "1*xx" will change to a "0*xx".

    07-16-03  Another way to see if the ashtech is not working properly and needs a reset, is to
              look at the "met" computer screen.  The boxes marked "Ashhead", "Ashpt" and "Ashrl"  
              will not be displaying numbers, but will instead display "INOP".

    all the numbers will be 0.     Hitting the reset button will make good numbers start

    The ADCP and MET rack on the upper computer lab are NOT on UPS power, but
    they are on ultra clean power.

    procomm can be reached by cd'ing to pcplus, and typing "pcplus".  altP 
    brings up the menu.

    cd to autoadcp, which is the main directory that all our cnf files

    in the file ue4.cnf,  near the top, there is the word "receive", with
    an nmea-1 and ashtech-2.  that means that nmea is the primary and
    Ashtech is the secondary in case the primary fails.  The primary nmea is
    GPS (pcode) logging, and uses "GGA".  If this fails,  Ashtech is positioning
    is used.

    Ashtech and Pcode come through the ADCP computer.  Gyro comes through
    the ship.  

    The ADCP computer needs to be slowed down to run the ADCP
    software. The slowing down is internal to the pc and Earl knows about it.
    07-16-03  the slowing program is not used anymore.  It can be re-applied
              by typing c:\slow\slow -F1 1000 -F2 3050 

    If there does not exist a file called position.dat,  the ADCP programs
    will work in all areas.  Same state.dat.  HOWEVER, if there exists
    files called 9908deep.cnf and 9908shlw.cnf ( with the ue4.cnf being
    the same ) every time there is reboot and we are in the area defined by
    position.dat, 9908(deep,shlw).cnf will be copied to state.dat, so
    be careful.   

    Along with the above paragraph concerning rebooting, there is a program
    called "watchdog".  If the adcp console is interrupted for whatever reason,
    all datalogging stops.  Therefore, "watchdog" counts seconds ( 5 minutes)
    that the console has been interrupted without activity.  If there is
    no activity with in this time,  the adcp computer will reboot to begin
    data logging.  This program was put into place because occasionally the
    ship would roll just enough to jiggle the mouse into waking up the
    console.  watchdog is started through the boot by:
          boot -> autoexec.bat -> flagexec.bat->watchdog

    If "adcp" is typed at the prompt, to start the adcp,  the watchdog is NOT

    1. On UNIX machines,  to mount the disk, "mount /mnt/zip"

    2. On ship ADCP computer,  cd to E: , which is the mounted zip drive

    TYPE - look at the file, ( unix cat )
    EDIT - edit the file. NOTE: always edit the files in DOS, not UNIX 
    MKDIR - make directory ( unix mkdir )
    CD - change directory ( unix cd )
    COPY - copy a file ( unix cp )
    DEL - remove a file ( unix rm )
    DIR - list the directory ( unis ls )
    | MORE - pipe output through more ( unix | more )
    FC - file compare ( unix diff )
    (control-alt-del) - reboots the system

    Teri Chereskin - 858-534-6368
    Earl Heckman -   858-534-1907

    1.  Write documentation for bottom tracking, including state.dat
    2.  Write documentation for Ashtech